Alexander Markov
Internationally celebrated violinist Alexander Markov has been hailed as one of the most captivating musicians in the world today. Lord Yehudi Menuhin has written, " He is without doubt one of the most brilliant and musical of violinists: Alexander Markov will certainly leave his mark on the music-lovers of the world and in the annals of the violin virtuosi of our day ".

The Gold Medal winner at the Paganini International Violin Competition, Mr. Markov has appeared with some of the world's greatest orchestras including the Philadelphia Orchestra, l'Orchestre de Paris, the Montreal Symphony, the BBC and Detroit Symphonies as well as the Budapest Festival Orchestra. Concerto highlights include performances with such celebrated conductors as Lorin Maazel, Charles Dutoit, John Nelson, Neeme Jarvi, Sir Neville Marriner, Ivan Fischer and Franz Welser-Most.

Alexander Markov has established a reputation second-to-none in the 19th-century virtuoso repertoire. His recording of Paganini's 24 Caprices for solo violin caused a sensation, and he remains one of the very few violinists who program the entire set in a single recital. A DVD of his performance of the 24 Paganini Caprices, directed by the legendary film director Bruno Monsaingeon, has recently being released worldwide by Warner Vision International.

Awarded a prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant in 1987, Mr. Markov made his New York debut recital at Carnegie Hall, appeared with Christoph Eschenbach conducting the Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra at Avery Fisher Hall and performed with other celebrated orchestras including the Houston, Baltimore, Cincinnati and Jerusalem orchestras. In addition, Markov recorded five more CDs for the Erato/Warner Classics and was featured in a widely acclaimed film "The Art of Violin". Mr. Markov also shared concerts with such luminaries as Martha Argerich.

Alexander Markov was born in Moscow and studied violin with his father, concert violinist Albert Markov. By the time he was eight years old he was already appearing as a soloist with orchestras and performing double concertos with his father. Markov emigrated to the U.S. with his parents and received his United States citizenship in 1982. 

今天老頭的樂團(I MUSICI DE MONTREAL)邀請Markov一起演出,演出之前,朋友們都期待著,就說要去聽一個瘋子拉琴,對Markov的印象確實就是"瘋狂"並且令人時空交錯的感覺(本人跟paganini太像)。果真如此,當他一出現在舞台上的時候,我想震驚了台下所有的觀眾,不僅僅是他的長相,拉琴的神韻和人類極限體能的技術,已經讓所有的人到瘋狂的一種狀態,我承認他的確做足了一個超技演奏家應該有的所有東西,但是除了這個以外,他的音樂非常有內容,而且急迫的告訴世人我不是只有技術而已!

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